a cool way to start painting

When I was just starting off learning to paint, I discovered a simple way of creating an awesome painting to be proud of. I was bored and had some canvas boards laying around. I also had a few bottles of AppleBarrel matte bottles of paint I had purchased for dirt cheap. There was a small washtub under the sink which gave me an idea.

I was going to place the canvas board in the washtub. It was small enough size that it would fit inside with room to spare. It was necessary for me to raise the canvas board off the bottom slightly so I found a few stones and placed it under the board and then added water. I added enough water to cover the top of the canvas board by at least a couple of inches. Don't worry the canvas board won't fall apart on you.

Next I poured in some acrylic paint and watched it do some amazing things in the water and then land on my board. I did this again using different colors until the entire board was covered with paint and a design had formed. It was necessary for me to put on some rubber gloves or surgical gloves to keep the paint off my hands as I scooped out some of the water out of the washtub and dumped it into a plastic bucket I had. When the water level was just at the top of my new creation, I lifted it slowly out of the washtub letting some of the mix drain off the top before placing it on some paper towels while I dumped out the rest of the water. I placed the stones back and then the painting. The painting was now left to dry which took a day or two.

When it was all dry it was ready to seal and then hang on the wall in a frame. Here's what I ended up with after it was dry:

Later, I had discovered that my idea was an actual technique used by artists everywhere. It's called pour on method. Clean up was a piece of cake and all I had to do was discard the water in the bucket. A warning: DO NOT DUMP THE WATER DOWN THE SINK! The acrylic paint will harden in time and if done enough times will clog up your pipes.


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