chemo side effects

It was just the other day I went in for my chemotherapy. The actual process takes about an hour and I have a port in the right shoulder where they infuse me. I seemed to be done in no time and was looking to get out of there. As usual we drive to my other place I call my art studio. I inherited the home and by fluke decided to hang on to it rather than almost having to give it away. My wife and I can pursue peace and quiet while we are there. I do art and she does gardening.

It wasn't too long before we got there and just like in the past sickness started taking over. It wasn't just one kind of feeling like wanting to vomit, it was a combination of several lousy feelings just building up and me thinking "Just shoot me Now!" Every part of my body hurt as the day became evening and the lousy feeling just came over me making things worse. I was hoping that my order of medical marijuana would be brought to me that I had ordered several days ago for my bout with chemo side effects.

Just then, there was a knock at my door. It was my cannabis. Cannabis eatables were recommended to me by my oncologist. I wouldn't do well smoking it as it would create other issues. I'm already using a Fentanyl 100mcg/hr pain patch so he figured eatables is the way to go for me. I had ordered some cannabis gummies. Each single gummy contains 10mg of thc. I also ordered a bottle of muscle freeze figuring that it ought to do a good job on all of the extra pain that's increased. My feet, legs and thighs swole up huge. The skin is so tight that the muscles have no where to expand and end up with muscle cramps. I've been taking water pills in trying to get rid of the swelling but after several weeks have not experienced improvement. I haven't seen what the dosage would be on the 3 oz bottle but thought that whatever amount of cannabis is in there got to be better than trying to deal with the pain.

As soon as I got my delivery, it was time to try it out. I didn't have a clue as to what to expect nor did I care, I just wanted some needed pain/sick feel relief. I took a full gummy...contained 10mg. thc. which is enough to get one totally stoned. I then took some of my muscle freeze and rubbed it in some affected areas on my thigh and waited. It wasn't long before I could feel the difference and the pain and sick feeling began to go away. A couple of hours later, I was feeling no pain just euphoria. It was the first time since I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer that I noticed a significant amount of pain relief. It was a unique and overwhelming feeling.

I thought that I might of taken a little too much cannabis as there are no instructions for the stuff. It's a matter of experimentation to see what amounts work best for you. It certainly is not what I expected! I remember having issues with cotton mouth after my first round of chemo and just felt miserable getting thru it. Eventually it went away, but apparently it came back after another round of chemo. I didn't expect that to happen and it was worse than the first round. Particles, granules, dry saliva along with dead skin just littered my mouth making it a bit difficult to swallow. It also felt as if I was getting a sore throat and acid re-flux would appear. Once I calmed down a bit and relaxed allowing the cannabis to do its thing, the rest of the evening went well.

I ended up with over 12 hours of pain relief but the cotton mouth thing was still there. I remember my chemo team telling me to rinse my mouth out with baking soda and water. It would kill germs and loosen some of that junk stuck in your mouth. I also began sucking on sour candies and cough drops and noticed some improvement. I was feeling okay, just okay the next day and felt my problems creeping back. This time I decided to try just a half a gummy which had about 5mg.thc. The amount was good and wasn't looking for a way to get totally stoned. 5 mg gave me just enough to save the day along with using the muscle freeze. I've been going through other issues like they just never seem to end and have been suffering with them.

It's been a few days now since I first tried medical marijuana. The stuff really helps me overcome not only with pain but anxieties involved during this chemo thing. Getting going in the mornings takes me hours and hours. I've almost cut that down in half. I take a half a gummy the first thing in the morning before starting on the list of meds I need to take just to get by for the day. I will start taking my second gummy just before going to sleep and also slap some of that muscle freeze on my thighs and legs. How that pans out, will show up in the morning.

That worked out pretty good and got a little better night sleep. The first thing I took this morning was a gummy, a full gummy. I'm usually feeling pretty sick first thing and need something to settle my stomach followed by acid re-flux med. To-day when it was all said and done, I put on my muscle freeze, got dressed and left my house. It was a lot easier and painless just to take a full gummy to see how it controls my pain. I don't know whether I like this constant state of being stoned but it has it's advantages. So right now as I write, it's easier for me to get into my wheelchair,ease on into the kitchen,stand on my crutches and take 4 steps down to get to my vehicle, just out the door than it did yesterday! So why isn't this available in all states?

a 16"x18" acrylic painting of a L.Michigan Light House on hard board


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