It was my 3rd round of chemo

It was my 3rd round of chemo. I have one to go with this Taxotere drug and one more round with steroids. The steroids are needed to cut down on the side effects and infections.

I had to get up xtra early to be ready in the chair at the Infusion Center by 10. This was the first time I've had any kind of an appointment this early. It ended okay and had to sit in a somewhat uncomfortable recliner which must have been made for basketball players, for 2 hours. I felt so small in it.

It was only about a couple of hours later after we got to my studio, (my second home away from home), I started having some serious leg pain along with brown urine. I often get some serious upper thigh/hip/groin and lower back pain which get me in tears because the pain is so overwhelming. I'm on 100mcg/hr Fentanyl Pain Patches which is supposedly cutting down on a lot of my pain. Sometimes I wonder but I don't think I want to know how bad things might be without it.

The pain is a throbbing and horizontal moving in these areas and now, on top of it, I start getting shots of Sciatica. This is as bad as the pain I get horizontally but shooting vertical down my leg from my butt area all the way down to my ankles. My thighs,calves,ankles and feet are all swollen creating just enough skin tightness to make things even more painful. I took a half a gummy edible which equals to about 5mg thc. It didn't work too well as the pain lingered. It wasn't until I used some muscle freeze and and covered that leg up with a warm blanket that the pain dropped to a level where I could get some sleep.

This morning as I got up at day break the pain started up again. After taking some of my usual daily meds to get me moving, I spent some time trying to cut down on my leg pains. I took some of the cannabis muscle freeze and rubbed it all of the way up my right leg,hip,thigh and lower back area and massaged it in best I could. My right foot has a compression stocking which goes up to my knee. I dropped it all the way down, then pulled that back up after massaging the muscle freeze into the whole leg down to my foot. I also have an ACE knee brace from earlier issues so I decided to see if putting it on might help as well. It took about an hour or so but the pain just went away. I did this this morning around 10:30 a.m. and it's now 3:50 p.m. and going. I know the Sh*t's going to hit the fan soon enough and the pain will be back.

Yup, it was around 7:30 p.m. when the pain returned with a vengeance. I had to scramble a bit to get undressed and add more muscle freeze to the areas and massage it in. It was around 8 p.m when I took another full gummy but the pain had dropped a bit except for the shots of sciatica pain shooting to my foot. It's just a waiting game now to see how things work out once the gummy kicks in.

It took about a half hour to forty-five minutes for the gummy to kick in, but when it did, I felt no pain. I don't really like to take a 10mg gummy edible because of the way it makes me feel. I feel sleepy all the while this stuff is in me and don't feel like doing anything. It's like my desires doing stuff just got flushed down the toilet. Trying to stay awake doesn't work well enough so I often just end up crashing out.


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