out the door, takes a bit of work

I'm usually up just about the time of sunrise. I know immediately if the day is going to have to start off eating a full or half a gummy. A full gummy is needed if I'm already in a lot of pain which is often the case. The half a gummy is needed just to get me moving and towards getting dressed which is the objective for the morning. I could get by just using a half a gummy but am just going to take the other half in a few hours anyway, so I might as well take a full. I can begin to feel the effect of the gummy within a half an hour as the pain level drops dramatically. I like to be dressed and ready to go between 10-10:30 A.M. It really takes me a while just to swallow all of my pills and doing other morning duties, most people take for granted.

Every morning has a different pain which are spread around in different locations of my body which has to be attended to. Often times this could take an hour or so just to take care of one issue. By the time I'm done taking my regiment of daily pills, it's about 9:30 a.m. and start thinking of getting my sweats and shoes on. Usually by this time my right thigh feels like I'm being stabbed followed by throbbing muscle pain. I put on a muscle freeze fused with cannabis by rubbing it in into the muscle which after another thirty minutes cuts down on the pain a lot. The stuff has the worst odor I've ever come across. Although it's fused with cannabis, it has menthol along with other smelly stuff in it. If you've ever used heat rubs with eucalyptus and menthol, then you know the smell...nasty!

I struggle to get my sweats and compression socks on. Compression socks are for the swelling of my feet, ankles and lower legs. They work well in the reduction of swelling down there. Since both upper thighs are also swollen due to taking a steroid twice a day, I end up wrapping both thighs with a wide bandage. Now I have to wait a while again while the pain cuts down a bit before putting on my shoes. I'm also going through shortness of breath and gasping for air because I had just exerted myself. Anytime I exert myself a little, I get shortness of breath which lasts a couple of minutes.

I finally get my shoes on and I'm tired, having to rest by sitting on the side of my bed. When I catch my breath I reach over to my crutches, grab them and use them to exit. It's a very slow walk and constantly have to be aware of another shortness of breath attack. If I feel it coming, I have to stop and let it pass. There are about 5 stairs I have to deal with by the time I'm actually outside between my house and garage walking to my truck. It's a slow process climbing into my truck and by the time I'm actually sitting in there, I had to use a step stool,my wife set up for me to put my feet on while climbing in. Climbing in, getting my feet situated and myself buckled up can take me up to 15 minutes. Once I'm in, I'm usually feeling okay until it's time to get out.

our dog Luna painted in acrylics on 11"x14" paper


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